We made rabbit for dinner and once it was plated......I realized that I had roasted carrots (rabbits favorite food) right beside it. I had a good little chuckle over this one and it was completely unintentional! The rabbit was seasoned with sea salt, black pepper, seasoned salt and garlic power and brushed with a marinade of olive oil and Worcestershire. I cooked the rabbit in my Emeril Power AirFryer 360 on bake at 380 degrees for 25 minutes and it was perfect. If you are not sure about the taste.....it honestly tastes just like chicken! I forgot to mention that the rabbit we used the other night had been in the freezer in a ziplock bag since the end of May when my daughter, Amy, had come out and helped with the processing of sending several of our rabbits to table and freezer camp! That's two months in the freezer and still tastes like fresh. I will attempt to freeze dry some cooked in the future and report on that too. Stay tuned and check back often. Make it a great day! :)
We made rabbit for dinner!!
« This is a blog post with an image Let's use some of these fabulous freeze dried ingredients and see how they come back to life. :) »